Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dear Bissme,

Thank you for the good portrayal in your write up today. There were a few miss info, probably the way I said it was not clear, like...the title of the book is 'Sahabatku' / 'My Friend' and some spelling errors like... UA Enterprises and 'Jiwa Hamba/Enslaved Soul', that's it I guess. Human errors must be forgiven and forgotten...lif'e's too short!

I hope you will read one of my father's poems at a poetry reading event one day...the translated English version of course.

Thank you again...Bissme and 'the Sun'.

1 comment:

Uthaya Sankar SB said...

Bissme reads very well in Bahasa Malaysia too. He took part in Baca Cerpen Kavyan back in 2003.