Saya di undang oleh pihak tv channel 9 untuk mendeklamasi puisi Usman Awang besok, 29 Mei. Acara siaran langsung ini akan di siarkan antara jam 1 - 2 tengahari, bertempat di Saloma Bistro, KL. Temanya ialah : Ratu Hati - Kasih Ibu Sepanjang Hayat. Oleh itu puisi yang mereka minta di deklamasikan ialah - ' Ke Makam Bonda '.
Walaupun badan dan otak terasa letih kerana selalu kerja hingga ke larut malam tetapi saya cekalkan hati demi arwah ayahanda ku. Harap saya dapat mendeklamasikan puisinya dengan baik, Insyallah.
P.S. If only my siblings would like to do as I do........but atleast I know they are always there for me, is good enough to raise my spirits and give me the strength from within that I need so badly. Well, I hope and pray that I will do him justice tomorrow . Eventhough this is not something new to me as I have read his poetry in public before, the responsibility is still very heavy. So, dear friends please pray that I don't fumble!
Radha Paati, Guruji, dan Keldai Terbang
4 days ago
Good to be in touch with u again afterall these years...
Yes dear brother,
I'm so relieved that finally we can renew the good friendship we had. I do miss our carefree life as naive students with no commitments and heavy responsibilities.
See you soon and take care.
pn haslina,
selamat berblog. tapi goblog :)
nazmi yaakub
wartawan berita harian
dan juga blogger
Terima kasih Nazmi,
Saya dah layari blog anda sikit. Nak go thru betul2 tapi blum ada banyak masa......dateline mockup buku ua dah dekat, tengah panik sebab banyak hal, maklumlah buku bilingual.
Saya nampak kehandalan awak sebagai penulis. Your credentials are very impressive...terrorla you.
Hey, ada event Insyaallah, untuk memperingati tarikh lahir arwah UA.
Dua acara sebenarnya. Akan inform nanti. Salam.
Usman Awang...
Puisi MELAYU,antara puisi yang masih kental di jiwa dan menjadi penghias meja...untuk saya renungkan perjalanan panjang yang kian pendek ini.
Terima kasih. Insyaallah akan saya melayari blog bila reda sikit kesibukan ini. Salam.
Assalamualaikum Lyna,
Apa Kabar? Am I not glad to be able to catch up with you after so many futile attempts. Hope all your brothers and sister are in good health. I can remember Is and Maya but I cannot recall the other brother of yours. Anyway I have to tell you that I have yet to find anyone who can do the Laksa Johor as good as your arwah mom.
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