Pada hari ini, buku 'Social Roots of the Malay Left' dan 'Failed Nation?' karya Allahyarham Rustam A. Sani, telah di lancarkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim di Perpustakaan Shah Alam. Dengan hati dan minda terbuka, saya akan membaca buku-buku ini.
Pada hari ini, pesta hari lahir A.Samad Ismail @ Pakcik Samad ke 83! Syukur...alhamdullilah. Semoga panjang umur dan sihat walafiat Pakcik Samad. Orangnya masih kelakar dan ketawa selalu. Mungkin ini resepi panjang umur!
Pada hari ini, saya dah mula mengedit terjemahan ke Bahasa Inggeris puisi-puisi usman awang yang saya buat untuk buku 'Jiwa Hamba/Enslaved Soul'. Oleh kerana itu, saya mungkin tidak selalu menulis di sini.
Radha Paati, Guruji, dan Keldai Terbang
4 days ago
SAlam adikku Lina,
welcome welcome --bienvenu -- selamat datang --
to blogoshpere.
i am glad that you decided to blog!
Nice going lina.
Enjoy blogging but most importantly, enjoy life.
semoga rajin-rajin memblog; jangan macam saya!
Lina, welcome to blogsphere.
to all expert bloggers!
Thank you so much for giving me the 'semangat' I so often need. You all are the first to come to my blog and to welcome me. I'm so excited! I'll try to do my best to be a good blogger but as usual it sometimes depend on situations. Like right now I'm in the midst of pruf reading, editing my translation work for usman awang's next book to be published. It has to be done carefully to get it right. But I will blog in between because I have so much to share. Thank you and welcome: Kak Ena, wakmasnoor, baitibadarudin and zorro!
dear lina,
1stly, congratulations Bloggerina! U will definitely be in my 'must read' blogs list.
2ndly, thank u for the kind n consoling words for my Pak Lang Rustam...
Almost a week now since his demise n i'm still trying to get into grips that he's no longer with us... n my heart breaks for kak ani, rini, azi, salha, arissa n mak su....
And thank u for being there at his book launch... it meant a lot to us! Pak Lang would have been soooo happy to see his family, friends and colleagues rallying for him...If only it had been for happier circumstances....
ALLAH knows best n may his soul be Blessd together with the virtuos...Amin!
- Zaidah -
Dear Islah,
Hey! You've got to tell me where 'islah' came from. If you didn't mention your name I would'nt have known. Anyway, blogging feels like you have a place to say your piece....well ofcourse that's what it is! Anyway my dear, dear, friend, we have all lost in a certain degree. The pain never heal but time helps us to bear it a little, somehow...atleast. We will all pray for their good souls. Please kirim my salam sayang to kak Ani dearest and the famly. Hope to see you soon!
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